Rekrutacja na kolejny rok szkolny powoli nabiera tempa.
Dla rodzin Fregaty mamy wyjątkową propozycję – polecajcie nowe rodziny do Fregaty i nie płaćcie czesnego we wrześniu!
Jeżeli rodzina, którą polecicie zdecyduje się zapisać swoje dziecko/dzieci do którejkolwiek placówki Fregaty, Wy będziecie zwolnieni z wrześniowego czesnego w przyszłym roku szkolnym. Wystarczy, że na druku zgłoszenia dziecka do Fregaty zostanie wpisane Wasze nazwisko jako rodziny polecającej.
To jednak nie wszystko, Wasi znajomi też mogą skorzystać z promocji!
W obu przedszkolach Fregaty 7 lutego odbyły się pierwsze „Otwarte Piątki”. Można wziąć w nich udział co tydzień, do końca kwietnia, w ramach zajęć: poranek, język angielski, rytmika, psychomotoryka, zabawa swobodna. Będzie także możliwość porozmawiania z dyrektorkami i nauczycielkami.
Obie nasze szkoły także przygotowują Dni Otwarte. Warto przyjść ze swoim dzieckiem i poznać szkołę i jej zasady, nauczycieli i pracownie dydaktyczne, uczniów i ich osiągnięcia.
Już 15 lutego w Szkole dla Chłopców odbędzie się Dzień Otwarty. Dzieci będą mogły uczestniczyć w kółku technicznym.
Także 15 lutego zaprasza Szkoła dla Dziewcząt. Dzieci wezmą udział w zajęciach kodowania na dywanie.
Z okazji Dni Otwartych została przygotowana specjalna oferta dla nowych rodzin. Każda nowa rodzina, która zapisze dziecko na specjalnym formularzu dostępnym tylko w trakcie tych dni, będzie zwolniona z opłaty z tytułu wpisowego.
Jeżeli macie pytania piszcie na adres:
Warning: Undefined array key "slide-alt" in /home/fregata/ftp/bulaj/wp-content/plugins/new-image-gallery/include/ig-ld-lightbox.php on line 39
Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/fregata/ftp/bulaj/wp-content/plugins/new-image-gallery/include/ig-ld-lightbox.php on line 39
Warning: Undefined array key "slide-alt" in /home/fregata/ftp/bulaj/wp-content/plugins/new-image-gallery/include/ig-ld-lightbox.php on line 39
Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/fregata/ftp/bulaj/wp-content/plugins/new-image-gallery/include/ig-ld-lightbox.php on line 39
Warning: Undefined array key "slide-alt" in /home/fregata/ftp/bulaj/wp-content/plugins/new-image-gallery/include/ig-ld-lightbox.php on line 39
Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/fregata/ftp/bulaj/wp-content/plugins/new-image-gallery/include/ig-ld-lightbox.php on line 39
Warning: Undefined array key "slide-alt" in /home/fregata/ftp/bulaj/wp-content/plugins/new-image-gallery/include/ig-ld-lightbox.php on line 39
Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/fregata/ftp/bulaj/wp-content/plugins/new-image-gallery/include/ig-ld-lightbox.php on line 39
Warning: Undefined array key "slide-alt" in /home/fregata/ftp/bulaj/wp-content/plugins/new-image-gallery/include/ig-ld-lightbox.php on line 39
Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/fregata/ftp/bulaj/wp-content/plugins/new-image-gallery/include/ig-ld-lightbox.php on line 39
Warning: Undefined array key "slide-alt" in /home/fregata/ftp/bulaj/wp-content/plugins/new-image-gallery/include/ig-ld-lightbox.php on line 39
Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/fregata/ftp/bulaj/wp-content/plugins/new-image-gallery/include/ig-ld-lightbox.php on line 39
Warning: Undefined array key "slide-alt" in /home/fregata/ftp/bulaj/wp-content/plugins/new-image-gallery/include/ig-ld-lightbox.php on line 39
Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/fregata/ftp/bulaj/wp-content/plugins/new-image-gallery/include/ig-ld-lightbox.php on line 39
Warning: Undefined array key "slide-alt" in /home/fregata/ftp/bulaj/wp-content/plugins/new-image-gallery/include/ig-ld-lightbox.php on line 39
Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/fregata/ftp/bulaj/wp-content/plugins/new-image-gallery/include/ig-ld-lightbox.php on line 39
Warning: Undefined array key "slide-alt" in /home/fregata/ftp/bulaj/wp-content/plugins/new-image-gallery/include/ig-ld-lightbox.php on line 39
Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/fregata/ftp/bulaj/wp-content/plugins/new-image-gallery/include/ig-ld-lightbox.php on line 39
Warning: Undefined array key "slide-alt" in /home/fregata/ftp/bulaj/wp-content/plugins/new-image-gallery/include/ig-ld-lightbox.php on line 39
Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/fregata/ftp/bulaj/wp-content/plugins/new-image-gallery/include/ig-ld-lightbox.php on line 39
Warning: Undefined array key "slide-alt" in /home/fregata/ftp/bulaj/wp-content/plugins/new-image-gallery/include/ig-ld-lightbox.php on line 39
Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/fregata/ftp/bulaj/wp-content/plugins/new-image-gallery/include/ig-ld-lightbox.php on line 39
Warning: Undefined array key "slide-alt" in /home/fregata/ftp/bulaj/wp-content/plugins/new-image-gallery/include/ig-ld-lightbox.php on line 39
Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/fregata/ftp/bulaj/wp-content/plugins/new-image-gallery/include/ig-ld-lightbox.php on line 39
Warning: Undefined array key "slide-alt" in /home/fregata/ftp/bulaj/wp-content/plugins/new-image-gallery/include/ig-ld-lightbox.php on line 39
Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/fregata/ftp/bulaj/wp-content/plugins/new-image-gallery/include/ig-ld-lightbox.php on line 39
Warning: Undefined array key "slide-alt" in /home/fregata/ftp/bulaj/wp-content/plugins/new-image-gallery/include/ig-ld-lightbox.php on line 39
Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/fregata/ftp/bulaj/wp-content/plugins/new-image-gallery/include/ig-ld-lightbox.php on line 39
Warning: Undefined array key "slide-alt" in /home/fregata/ftp/bulaj/wp-content/plugins/new-image-gallery/include/ig-ld-lightbox.php on line 39
Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/fregata/ftp/bulaj/wp-content/plugins/new-image-gallery/include/ig-ld-lightbox.php on line 39
Warning: Undefined array key "slide-alt" in /home/fregata/ftp/bulaj/wp-content/plugins/new-image-gallery/include/ig-ld-lightbox.php on line 39
Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/fregata/ftp/bulaj/wp-content/plugins/new-image-gallery/include/ig-ld-lightbox.php on line 39
Warning: Undefined array key "slide-alt" in /home/fregata/ftp/bulaj/wp-content/plugins/new-image-gallery/include/ig-ld-lightbox.php on line 39
Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/fregata/ftp/bulaj/wp-content/plugins/new-image-gallery/include/ig-ld-lightbox.php on line 39
Warning: Undefined array key "slide-alt" in /home/fregata/ftp/bulaj/wp-content/plugins/new-image-gallery/include/ig-ld-lightbox.php on line 39
Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/fregata/ftp/bulaj/wp-content/plugins/new-image-gallery/include/ig-ld-lightbox.php on line 39
Warning: Undefined array key "slide-alt" in /home/fregata/ftp/bulaj/wp-content/plugins/new-image-gallery/include/ig-ld-lightbox.php on line 39
Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/fregata/ftp/bulaj/wp-content/plugins/new-image-gallery/include/ig-ld-lightbox.php on line 39
Warning: Undefined array key "slide-alt" in /home/fregata/ftp/bulaj/wp-content/plugins/new-image-gallery/include/ig-ld-lightbox.php on line 39
Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/fregata/ftp/bulaj/wp-content/plugins/new-image-gallery/include/ig-ld-lightbox.php on line 39
Warning: Undefined array key "slide-alt" in /home/fregata/ftp/bulaj/wp-content/plugins/new-image-gallery/include/ig-ld-lightbox.php on line 39
Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/fregata/ftp/bulaj/wp-content/plugins/new-image-gallery/include/ig-ld-lightbox.php on line 39
Warning: Undefined array key "slide-alt" in /home/fregata/ftp/bulaj/wp-content/plugins/new-image-gallery/include/ig-ld-lightbox.php on line 39
Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/fregata/ftp/bulaj/wp-content/plugins/new-image-gallery/include/ig-ld-lightbox.php on line 39
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